Andaman Wander Guide

Andaman is vast, diverse and fascinating. The more you know about Andaman, the better your trip will be.

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Nicobar Islands

  • Nicobar Islands ----------------- The Nicobar Islands are part of the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India. These Islands are restricted areas for tourists and visitors.
    • Car Nicobar ------------- Car Nicobar, positioned as the northernmost island among the Nicobar Islands, is situated between Little Andaman and Nancowry.
    • Chowra Island --------------- Chowra Island is an island in the Nicobar Islands chain of India. It is located north of Teressa Island.
    • Teressa Island --------------- Teressa Island, of the Nicobar Groups Islands is located approximately 50 Km north-west of Nancowry Islands.
    • Katchall Island ---------------- Katchall Island, situated among the Nicobar Islands in India, accommodates a population of both indigenous and non-indigenous residents.
    • Kamorta Island ---------------- Kamorta Island is one of the significant islands in the Nicobar group, located north of Nancowry Island.
    • Nancowry Island ------------------ Nancowry Island is inhabited by indigenous tribes, primarily the Nicobarese people.
    • Little Nicobar -------------- It is located about 56 Km south of Katchall Island. Total area of this Island is about 140 Sq. Km.
    • Great Nicobar --------------- Great Nicobar Island is the largest island in the Nicobar group of islands. It is situated approximately 180 Km north of Sumatra, Indonesia.

Nicobar Islands

The Nicobar Islands are part of the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India. The Nicobar Group of Islands comprises a total of 22 main islands. The major islands among them include Great Nicobar, Little Nicobar, Car Nicobar, Nancowry, Katchal, Chowra, Teressa, and Kamorta.

Nicobar Islands feature diverse topography, including hills, forests, mangroves, and sandy beaches. The terrain is generally more hilly and rugged compared to the Andaman Islands.

Biodiversity: The Nicobar Islands are known for their rich biodiversity and are recognized as one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. The islands are covered by dense tropical rainforests, which are home to numerous endemic and rare species of plants, animals, and birds. The marine ecosystem surrounding the islands is also highly diverse, with coral reefs, sea turtles, and a variety of marine life.

Indigenous Tribes: The Nicobar Islands are inhabited by indigenous tribes with their distinct languages, cultures, and traditions. The major tribal groups in the Nicobar Islands include the Nicobarese & Shompen. These tribes have a close connection with the natural environment and rely on fishing, agriculture, and hunting for their sustenance.

Restricted Access: The Nicobar Islands are restricted areas for tourists and visitors. Access to these islands is strictly regulated to protect the environment and preserve the cultures of the indigenous tribes. Permits are required to visit the Nicobar Islands, and certain areas may be off-limits to outsiders to ensure the conservation of the fragile ecosystems and the privacy of the tribal communities.

Click here to visit the website of the Directorate of Shipping Services (DSS), Andaman & Nicobar Administration, for information and online ticket booking of government ferries in this sector.

Click here for online information about schedules and fares of Helicopter Services from Port Blair to different Islands of Nicobar Group of Islands.

Car Nicobar Island

Car Nicobar, positioned as the northernmost island among the Nicobar Islands, is situated between Little Andaman and Nancowry. It boasts a flat and fertile terrain adorned with a dense array of coconut palms, alongside captivating beaches that are accompanied by the majestic sounds of the surrounding sea. Car Nicobar headquarters encompasses the region south of the Ten-degree channel. Unfortunately, the island faced devastation from the 2004 tsunami. Notably, Car Nicobar is renowned for its distinctive Nicobari huts, which are elevated on stilts and accessed through a wooden ladder entrance in the floor, adding to its uniqueness.

Geography: Car Nicobar is the northernmost town in the Nicobar Islands and is situated on Car Nicobar Island. Car Nicobar is approximately 15 km long and 12 km wide.

Population: The population of Car Nicobar is relatively small. As of the last available data, the population was around 18,000 people. The majority of the population consists of the indigenous Nicobarese people.

Culture: The Nicobarese people have a distinct culture and heritage. They have their own language, known as the Nicobarese language, which belongs to the Austro-Asiatic language family. The traditional occupations of the Nicobarese people include fishing, agriculture, and hunting. They have a rich tradition of music, dance, and crafts.

Climate: Car Nicobar has a tropical climate, characterized by high humidity and temperatures ranging from 23 to 30 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The region receives heavy rainfall, especially during the monsoon season from May to October.

Tourism: Car Nicobar offers beautiful beaches and pristine natural surroundings. However, it is important to note that access to the Nicobar Islands is restricted for tourists due to the presence of indigenous tribes and the need to preserve the delicate ecosystem. Special permits are required to visit these islands.

Infrastructure: Car Nicobar has basic infrastructure facilities, including schools, healthcare centres, and government offices. The town has an airport, Car Nicobar Air Force Base, which is primarily used by the Indian Air Force.

Chowra Island

Chowra Island is an island in the Nicobar Islands chain of India. It is located north of Teressa Island. It is part of the Central group which consists of nine islands including Kamorta, Katchall, Nancowrie, Trinket, Teresa, Bombuka, Chowra, Tillanchong and Isle of Man. Chowra Island is inhabited by indigenous tribes, primarily the Nicobarese people.

Restricted Access: Similar to other islands in the Nicobar group, Chowra Island is a restricted area for tourists and visitors.

Teressa Island

Teressa Island is a part of Nicobar Groups of Islands and is located approximately 50 Km north-west of Nancowry Islands. The island is home to eight villages: Bengali, Alurong, Kalasi, Kanamhinot, Minyuk, Enam, Chukmachi, Luxi, and Bambooka. Approximately 2520 tribal residents inhabit these villages. Teressa Island is inhabited by indigenous tribes, primarily the Nicobarese people.

Restricted Access: Similar to other islands in the Nicobar group, Teressa Island is a restricted area for tourists and visitors.

Katchall Island

Katchal Island, situated among the Nicobar Islands in India, accommodates a population of both indigenous and non-indigenous residents. The island is inhabited by Nicobari Tribes, as well as Tamilians who migrated there for rubber plantation work under the Sastri-Srimao Bandaranayaka Pact of 1964.  Katchal Island is located east of Nancowry Island.

During the devastating Tsunami that occurred on December 26th, 2004, Katchal Island experienced severe consequences and was among the most affected islands. The tsunami caused widespread destruction, significantly impacting the socio-economic fabric of the island’s residents. Out of the estimated 5,000 missing individuals (the actual number is believed to be higher) in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, approximately 1,549 were presumed to be from Katchal.

In an effort to assist the local population, a considerable number of government personnel had been stationed on the island prior to the Tsunami. Unfortunately, many of these staff members went missing, as most of the government-provided staff quarters were located very close to the shoreline. Only a few managed to escape to nearby hills. For instance, not a single teacher out of the 47 who were posted on the island prior to December 26th, 2004, survived the tragedy.

Some individuals were able to survive the surging waters by seeking refuge atop coconut trees. Among the reported 344 fatalities, only one body could be positively identified.

Restricted Access: Similar to other islands in the Nicobar group, Katchall Island is a restricted area for tourists and visitors.

Source of information – Wikipedia – Katchall Island

Kamorta Island

Kamorta Island is one of the significant islands in the Nicobar group, located north of Nancowry Island. Kamorta Island, like other islands in the Nicobar group, is renowned for its rich biodiversity. The island is covered by dense tropical rainforests. This  Island is home to indigenous tribes, predominantly the Nicobarese people.

Kamorta Island has settlements where the local population resides. These settlements often have basic infrastructure such as schools, healthcare facilities, and administrative offices. The island is connected to neighbouring islands through boat services and inter-island helicopter services.

Restricted Access: Similar to other islands in the Nicobar group, Kamorta Island is a restricted area for tourists and visitors.

Nancowry Island

Nancowry Island is one of the major islands in the Nicobar group. It is a part of the Nicobar Islands. The island has a diverse topography, including hills, forests, mangroves, and sandy beaches. It is known for its scenic beauty and lush green landscapes.

Nancowry Island is inhabited by indigenous tribes, primarily the Nicobarese people. The Nicobarese have their distinct language, culture, and traditions. They have a close connection with the natural environment and engage in activities such as fishing, agriculture, and handicrafts. The tribes contribute to the island’s cultural diversity and heritage. The island has several settlements where the local population resides. These settlements often have basic infrastructure such as schools, healthcare facilities, and administrative offices. The island is connected to other parts of the Nicobar group through boat services.

Restricted Access: Similar to other islands in the Nicobar group, Nancowry Island is a restricted area for tourists and visitors.

Little Nicobar Island

Little Nicobar Island is a part of Nicobar Groups of Islands. It is located about 56 Km south of Katchall Island. Total area of this Island is about 140 Sq. Km.

The population of this island is 278 villagers as per 2011 census of India. The name of different villages on this island are Pulopanja, Pulobaha, Pulloullo, and Makhahu (Victoria Harbour).

Restricted Access: Similar to other islands in the Nicobar group, Katchall Island is a restricted area for tourists and visitors.


Great Nicobar Island

Great Nicobar Island is the largest island in the Nicobar group of islands. Great Nicobar Island is part of the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which is under the administration of India. It lies towards the southernmost end of the Nicobar Islands, situated approximately 180 Km north of Sumatra, Indonesia.

Size and Geography: Great Nicobar Island covers an area of about 922 Sq. Km, making it the largest island in the Nicobar group and one of the largest in the Nicobar groups of Islands. It is sparsely inhabited, with a population of about 8067. The island has a diverse topography, including hills, forests, swamps, and coastal plains. It is characterized by rugged terrain and dense tropical rainforests.

Flora and Fauna: Great Nicobar Island is known for its rich biodiversity. The island is covered by dense evergreen rainforests, which are home to numerous endemic and rare species of plants, animals, and birds. The island’s flora includes a variety of trees, orchids, ferns, and medicinal plants. It supports a wide range of wildlife, including deer, wild boar, macaques, civets, and a diverse bird population.

Indira Point: Indira Point, located at the southernmost tip of Great Nicobar Island, is the southernmost point of India. The area around Indira Point is characterized by beautiful coastal landscapes, mangrove forests, and pristine beaches.

Indigenous Tribes: Great Nicobar Island is home to indigenous tribes, including the Nicobarese people. They have a unique culture, language, and traditional way of life. The tribes rely on fishing, agriculture, and hunting for their livelihoods. However, access to tribal areas is restricted to protect their privacy and preserve their cultural heritage.

Restricted Access: On a report on ‘Hindustan Times’ newspaper dated May 21, 2023 it has been reported that “Campbell Bay is not a tribal area and entry of non-islanders was permitted here before. Its only being imposed in the past couple of months. The local administration, however, said access to Great Nicobar Island is permitted, but visit to tribal area requires pass as per regulations.”